Rats! That’s what you could be saying when playing this fast paced card game with your children.  The rat infested deck consists of 52 colorful and silly cards.  They show rats making funny faces, blowing bubbles, playing music, drinking soda, and of course, craving cheese!  These crazy rats make the game all the more amusing and fun to play.

Rats! is recommended for 2-4 players and ages 6 and up. If looking for a small item to give as gift to a child for a job well done, the Rat Pack would be ideal.  Thinking of surprising the family with a game and movie night, then a larger arrangement with Rats! can be made.  The game could be placed with a few cheese sticks, juice drinks, cheese flavored popcorn, and the DVD of The Great Mouse Detective (which has rats too!).  This includes all that is needed for a fun family time.

To play the game, all Rats! are dealt to players.  The object of the game is to gather up the entire deck by the following rules.

Big Fat Rat cardsThere are two types of Rat cards; Random Rats and Big Fat Rats.  Random Rats are cards without any numbers on them.  They depict rats doing random things like eating candy or sticking out their tongues.  Big Fat Rats display a number made of cheese.  These numbers range from 1 to 4.

The game begins with the player on the left of the dealer flipping his top card over in the center of the game table.  If he played a Random Rat the turn is over.  If he played a Big Fat Rat card, then the next player has a chance to take cards by playing another Big Fat Rat card on top.

Upon first thought, a player may think the larger number on a Big Fat Rat card wins over a lower number.  However, any Big Fat Card beats any other Big Fat Rat card played.  The numbers indicate how many chances the player has in order to come up with a Big Fat Rat card.

patch products Rats! random ratsFor example, if a player places a Big Fat Rat with the number 4, then the next player has 4 chances to place a Big Fat Rat card on top. If he plays a Big Fat Rat card before his amount of 4 tries, he stops placing cards and the next player has the new amount to play a Big Fat Rat.  If after this amount, the other player did not play any Big Fat Rat card, then the player who placed the numbered card takes all cards in the pile.  It is then the next player’s turn to place a new card, creating a new pile, in the center.

The most fun for kids is The Ratslap, though!  It seems they beat parents every time!  If two matching cards are played right after another, the first player to notice the pair, and Ratslaps the deck, gets all the cards in the pile!

The game ends when a player has collected all the Rats!

Amusing to play, this pack of Rats! is welcomed into your house.  They give a night filled with fantastic fun!

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