An exciting chase through the countryside is the theme for the old Game of Fox and Hounds by Parker Brothers.

old 1948 parker brothers gameGet ready, get set, go! were most likely the words many players thought of at the beginning of the Game of Fox and Hounds.  Published in 1948 by Parker Brothers, the game involved a lively chase.  One player was chosen to be the fox.  All other players were the hounds.  The hounds would pursue the fox in attempts to capture him before he reached his den!

Either the fox or the hound could win the game.  If the fox was able to dash into his den before any swift hound caught him, he won!  If any one of the hounds caught the sly fox before he slipped into the den, that particular player won!

1948 parker brothers old game piecesThe game included 1 red fox piece and 4 hounds (silver, blue, black, or green).  At the onset of the game, the fox receives a six space head start.  This space is marked on the game board.  The hounds begin on space one, also marked.

The fox spins first.  The small cardboard spinner determines movement for all players.  The board, comprising of many different paths, allows all players to choose which way they would like to run.  They can move in any direction, forward or backward.  The following are some exceptions to this:

  • During a move, a player cannot back track.  For example, he cannot move ahead three and then back three on the same turn.  He could move this way in two different turns, though, if wanted.
  • The short red side paths can only be moved upon by the Fox player.  Most often the fox would use this path in attempts to escape from a fast approaching hound.  However, the fox must move out of the red track on his next turn.  He is only safe from the hounds for a short time; but maybe just enough to be able to make a safe dash to his den.

old parker brothers game board of fox and hounds 1948

In order for a hound to catch the fox and win the game, the player must land on the fox space by exact count.  Players are allowed to pass each other on the tracks.  The same rule of exact count, applies also for the fox.  In order for the fox to win the game, he must enter his den by spinning the exact number needed.

The exciting board game brings the lively, well known, outdoor game of ‘Tag’ to the table top in reverse.  Instead of one person being ‘It’ (the player to run after all others), all but one player is ‘It’ (the fox).  This scheme allows the Game of Fox and Hounds to be a wonderful alternative to the game of tag and is a perfect game to play on a rainy day.

(this game can be found now and then on EBay)

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  1. This is so amazing. My cousin and I were reminiscing about when we were little and I asked him if he remembered this game. He didn’t so I Google it and this post came up. So happy to see this! I might have to see if I can find one. Thanks for the memories!

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