Some of you may have noticed I recently added a ‘Follow me on Twitter’  button. My early New Year’s Resolution is to become more ‘socially’ connected with others and I am starting Now (December 13th) with a promotion called,

The Twelve days before Christmas!

Anyone opting to ‘Follow me on Twitter’ on the 12 days before Christmas will be entered into a drawing for winning the game of Forbidden Island. The drawing will be held on Christmas and I will announce the winner of the game on Twitter! 

Forbidden Island is a perfect game for any family game night!  With cooperative game play, players all work together to gather four sacred treasures and escape from the island before it sinks!  Suspenseful and exciting for all!  You all win or you all lose together.

But, best of all……by following me on Twitter you will not miss two new featured categories which I am making to the site! One is Game of the Month and the other is Game Night Theme of the Month.

These new categories will start in January, and will continue each month after, with a different featured game and game night theme suggestions.

Game of the Month will provide a detailed review of a game chosen by my family. Some new, some old (but still available).

game night recipe
Frog Platter

Game Night Theme of the Month will provide themed game ideas, recipes, decorations, and plans for hosting or holding an energizing and fantastic game night. Although I will expand more upon a theme, an example of a Game Night Theme article is Create a Fun Froggy Game Night Theme and Have a Hoppin’ Great Time.

Lots to happen….

So ‘Follow Me’ Now and Enter to Win A Game!

(if you do not have Twitter, or if you would also like to ‘add to Google + circles’, that is great too!)


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