It’s hip to be square! This little cubed game of Dungeon Drop by GameWright is easy to learn, fun to play, and quick to win!  Players take up different Quests to collect the most valuable treasures! However, while searching the dungeon rooms for these hidden gems, they have to stay clear of goblins and trolls!  Who will succeed in their Quest and gather the most treasure?

The game consists of Character and Class cards, each with a special ability.  It also includes many different cubes, of different colors and sizes.  Depending on their color, these cubes represent Gold, Gems, Health Potions, Treasure Chests and Keys, or Magic Shields. They also might be Trolls, Goblins, or the fierce Dragon.  And the ‘Grey’ cubes are pillars. These are used to determine a room, and to find treasures inside their spaces.  Here’s how!

At the start of a game, players are each dealt a Character and Class Card.  Each has various abilities that can be used during a turn. Players are also dealt a Quest card which will determine their mission for the game!

After the cards are dealt, the ‘Dungeon’, filled with treasures and creatures, is created.  This is simply done by dropping all small cubes, and the Huge Red Cube (which is the Dragon) onto a playing field.  This ‘Drop’ randomly scatters all cubes.

Players are now ready to begin Exploring the Dungeon, and collecting Treasures, that will give them the most points, according to what is provided on their Quest card.

Players ‘Explore’ by drawing from the larger cubes that were kept in the box, and now dropping them into the Dungeon.  Next they can ‘Act’ on one of their ‘Abilities’.   Finally, they ‘Loot’. 

Looting successfully is key.  A player ‘Loots’ by choosing 3 gray cubes, the pillars, which ‘forms’ a room, and ‘Loots’ all cubes within that ‘room’ (the triangular space within the 3 gray cubes).

Players each have a turn in a round. At the end of 3 rounds, treasures are tallied, and the player with the most points wins the game!

The most difficult part of this game is actually keeping the ‘cubes’ from bouncing all over the place during drops.  You want the drops random, but you don’t want cubes getting lost.

Whenever we choose to play this game, we just use the floor…..   and that be a carpeted floor… which seems to keep the cubes in a relative small, but yet playable, area.

Once you find a place to succeed in this aspect of the game, it is all fun from there!


Play A Game Today!  Any Game! Dungeon Drop is Available on Amazon!