The game night recipe of Life Cars will steer any fun and games party in the right direction.
One of Milton Bradley’s first board games was called the Checkered Game of Life and was invented by Milton Bradley himself in 1860. Although this particular game did not comprise of little automobiles as pieces, the game’s 100th anniversary creation did. These tiny cars, which are filled with even tinier pegs of either a ‘blue for boy’ or ‘pink for girl’, are part of one of the most popular games known today. For many, the board game of Life was one they grew up playing and fondly remember. They later played the game with their own children. The following game night recipe of Life Cars was driven by these special times and memories.

The main car can be made out of either mini cakes or breads. 3×5 (mini loaf pans) are the perfect size to use for the baking. They are small, rectangular, and are ideal for quickly sculpting the Life Cars. The pegs are pretzel sticks rolled in blue and pink cookie icing.
Pillsbury offers a Quick Bread Banana mix which works well for Life Cars. Each mix requires only 2 eggs, 1 cup water, and ¼ cup oil. The blended batter is poured into three 3×5 loaf pans which provide the basis for constructing three Life Cars. After the breads are baked (about 35-40 minutes) and cooled, the rounded top is sliced off to form a rectangle. From this sliced piece, cut about an inch and half section off and place on top of the flat rectangular bread for the hood of the car. The shape of the Life Car is completed.
The next step is to apply colored icing onto the car. A rich buttery white icing is mixed with any food coloring of choice. Similar to one of the most often asked questions by players in games, “What color do you want to be?” this decision is left to the creator.
The last step is to place the ‘people’ in the cars. Like the game of Life, blue and pink pegs are used. A simple way for creating these is by rolling pretzel sticks in cookie icing. Cookie icing hardens after a few minutes so the pegs can be picked up and placed into the cars once the icing is set. Additional pegs can be made and placed in a bowl for other easy game night snacking.

The Life Cars can be created to represent the players who are getting together for game night. The different families can each have their own ‘car’ filled with the appropriate amount and color of pegs. A family of four with husband, wife, a boy and a girl would have a Life Car with two blue and two pink pegs inside. These specialized cars also make great party favors.
Game night snacks can be boosted by easy to make recipes. Creating Life Cars is only one way to bring the fun and games to the table. If planning on playing cards, Dusted Heart Brownies makes a delicious alternative or if the night is filled with the rolling of dice, try the Cake to Die for.