Score points with family by preparing the family game night recipe of Scrabble Bites.

Family game night, fun, and snacks can all be added and mixed together for a fun family game night snack called Scrabble Bites. The simple recipe will complement a night filled with exciting games and provide a non-messy treat for players.
The popular word game of Scrabble was the inspiration for creating this delicious snack. Scrabble was invented by Alfred Butts and first published in 1948 by Selchow &Righter. In the book, Timeless Toys, by Tim Walsh, Butts is believed to have conceived the idea for Scrabble and how the scoring of Scrabble could be formulated while reading The Gold Bug by Edgar Allen Poe. In the short story of Poe’s was a secret code using symbols representing letters. The message was decoded by noticing the most commonly used symbols and replacing them with the most commonly used letters in the alphabet.
Butts applied this notion of letter frequency and assigned point values to the letters of Scrabble based on their usage in words. The vowels of A, E, I, O and U, along with the consonants of N, L, R, S, T all had the value of 1 because they were the most commonly used letters in words. D and G valued 2 points. B, C, M, and P valued 3 points while F, H, V, W, and Y valued 4. K equaled 5. J and X were worth 8 and the Z and Q, the least used, were worth the most at 10 points.
Scrabble Bites uses these letters and point values. The simple and quick recipe for Scrabble Bites begins by following the recipe for Rice Krispies Treats. The ingredients are as follows:
3 Tbsp. of butter
1 Package of marshmallows (10oz.)
6 Cups of Rice Krispies cereal
Place the marshmallows and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. On high for about 3 minutes, heat the marshmallows and butter until melted. Pour the 6 cups of Rice Krispies into the bowl and mix. With a butter greased spoon, spread the mixture flat into a pan and cut into Scrabble squares after cooled.

With Cake Mate black icing and a narrow Cake Mate decorating tip, apply the different Scrabble letters and the point values to the Rice Krispies squares. The squares can be big or little and as thick or thin as wanted. The display of letters can be served on tray stacked all together or can be positioned on a tray in form of a scrabble board.
Serving a delightful tray of these bite-sized snacks will help enliven game night and set in motion a night full of fun and games.
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