The 1973 Milton Bradley board game of Snoopy Come Home has a unique style of play. It includes two parts of game play and follows the story of the loved characters of Snoopy.
The story for the game is written on the inside of the box. It creates a background for play. It is as follows:
One day Snoopy gets a letter from Lila, the little girl who owned him before Charlie Brown got him from the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. She is in the hospital and wants Snoopy to visit her. So Snoopy packs his bag, picks up Woodstock and sets out for the hospital. They have many adventures on the way, but they eventually arrive at the hospital, and avoiding the NO DOGS ALLOWED sign, sneak in the back door. They find Lila, and by hiding when the nurse comes in, manages to stay until she is well.
Lila is so happy to have Snoopy back that she insists he go home with her. He agrees, but when Snoopy arrives at Lila’s apartment house, the first thing he sees is a NO DOGS ALLOWED sign, and the next thing he sees is a CAT (and you know how he feels about cats)! Suddenly he is overwhelmed with homesickness and wants to go home. And this where we start the game. All Snoopy’s friends go out to find Snoopy and bring him home.

The game is for 2-4 players. As mentioned, there are two parts to the game making it an unique adventure for players.
Part 1’s goal is to be the first player to reach Lila’s apartment and find Snoopy there. The Snoopy game piece is placed on the board at the beginning of the game at Lila’s apartment.
Part one has players moving along the board by roll of die, starting at Snoopy’s Dog House. There are a few special rules.
*Players must move the direction of the arrows on the board
*Players can take shortcuts by landing on the phone space exactly, and following that line to the inner track (which is a shortcut)
*Players landing on an opponent’s piece must move one forward or to the next open space.
Part 2’s goal is to be the first player to return with Snoopy back to his dog house.
This happens in the following charming way.

Once the first player finds Snoopy at Lila’s apartment, he takes his character with Snoopy piece and replaces it on his stand. (as shown- (Players have two character pieces. One alone and one with Snoopy). All players stay where they are on the board. The solo Snoopy piece is no longer used in part 2.
The cards included in the game, and the No Dogs Allowed sign game piece now come into play.
Three cards are dealt to each player. Four are dealt to the player who found Snoopy first at Lila’s apartment at the start of part two.
The cards have instructions. For example, one is; ‘Place No Dogs Allowed Sign’.
This is used in the following way.
*In each of a player’s turn, he may play a card. A player could play the No Dogs Allowed sign, and place it on a space. The player who is Snoopy can not move past the sign on that path. He must move a different way.
There are different rules for the game in part two:
*Players can move in any direction. They do not need to follow the directions of the arrows anymore.
*If a Players lands on the space with a Player with Snoopy piece by exact count, he then gets to move with Snoopy by switching his pieces. He places his character with Snoopy game piece on board and the player who had Snoopy, now switches back to just his lone character piece. The player, now with Snoopy, gets to immediately go again.
*Players may play one card on a turn:
-Above is explained how the ‘Place No Dogs Allowed sign is played
Other cards are:
-Cat Crosses Path- loses 1 turn. The card is only given to a Player with Snoopy. He would lose a turn
-Move yourself or opponent’s piece to other spaces can be used by yourself or any other player.
The first Player to reach Snoopy’s Dog House with his character AND Snoopy wins the game.
Part two is a bit of a chase! Each player is on a mission to capture Snoopy and get him home WITHOUT having Snoopy captured again by another player. Players can place obstacles on the Player with Snoopy’s path and slow him down.
It’s an exciting and fun game with a neat twist at the end! And of course a beloved story adventure brought to the game board.
You gotta love it!
Play a game today!
Just found mine from.when I was a child , will have to play a game !