Queens, Kings, Knights, Dragons, Sleeping Potions, and more are found in this fun filled game of Sleeping Queens by GameWright. The game is for 2-5 players, ages 8 and up, and lasts about 20 minutes. It’s a great game for family game night!
Depending on how many players will be trying to ‘wake up Sleeping Queens’, determines a game’s objective. If there are only 2 to 3 players, the first person to collect 5 Sleeping Queens (or collect 50 points) wins the game. If there are 4-5 players, then only 4 Queens are needed (or 40 points).
If all the Queens are wakened by many players, and not any one player has the required amount, then the winner is the player with the most points. (Each Queen is worth a certain amount of points. The point value is shown in the top right corner.)
So…. How do we wake up and collect the Queens to win?!
Simple…. And FUN!
First, set up the cards.
ALL Queen Cards (12 of them with GREEN backs) are placed FACE down as shown. Shhhh…..They’re Sleeping.
Next, the RED backed cards are shuffled, 5 cards are dealt to each player, and the remaining cards are placed in center as a draw pile.
Play begins. Each player will secretly look at their cards and depending on what they have, play accordingly, with the goal in mind to collect the most Queen Cards in front of them.
In the Red Deck of cards are Picture Cards: Kings, Knights and Dragons, Potions and Wands, and Jesters.
Then there are Number cards.
During your turn you can do ONE of the following, and then draw cards from the deck to always have at least 5 cards in your hand.
So on your turn you can…:
Play a KING card. A King will ‘Wake up’ a Queen. (Play the King to the Discard Pile and take any faced down Queen card and put in front of you) HOORAY! You’ve collected a Queen!
Play a KNIGHT card. A Knight card will ‘Steal’ a Queen from another player. (Play the Knight to the discard pile, and take a Queen from any other player.)
-HOWEVER, if your opponent has a DRAGON card in his hand, he can counter this action. The Queen can not be taken. They would play the Dragon to the discard pile, and keep their Queen. (and then pick another card).
Play a POTION card. A Sleeping POTION card will put back to sleep an opponent’s Queen. (Play the Potion to the discard pile and put back any other opponent’s Queen. REMEMBER where it is (and point value) in case YOU might want to Wake it up again. Some of those Queens are valuable!
-HOWEVER, if your opponent has a WAND card, he can counter this action. The Queen remains with him. They would play the Wand card to the discard pile, and keep the Queen. (they’d draw another card to have 5 cards)
Play a JESTER card. A Jester allows a Queen to be awakened by chance. The Jester is played to the discard pile, then a card is picked up from the draw pile. If a picture card, you place it in your hand, and draw until you get a number card (which is immediately placed at a discard). The number shown on the card is then counted around the players. The player the number ends on gets to Wake Up a Queen!
-Play any ONE number card to draw a card.
-Play a MATCHED PAIR of numbers to draw TWO cards.
-Play THREE or more number cards, where one card is the addition of the others, and pick the total of cards played from the Draw Pile. For example, if you have number cards, 3,4, and 7, then 3 and 4 add to 7, so you would pick 3 cards (played 3, pick 3). If you played 4 cards, say 1, 3, 4, and 8 (the other 3 cards add to 8), then you pick 4.
There are Three ‘Queens’ with special rules….. if you Wake Up the Rose Queen, you get to Wake Up another Queen immediately.
Then there are DOG and CAT Queen cards. You can’t have them both ‘AWAKE’ in front of you. So if have either one, and pick the other, you have to put it back and not get a Queen. REMEMBER where those Queens are so not to pick it again!
There you go! What a neat little card game…..

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