The first appearance of The Pink Panther was with the classic Pink Panther film in 1963. The name originates from a large Pink Diamond, which happens to have a flaw at its center. This flaw looks like a leaping panther. The film features the theft of the diamond with Inspector Jacques Clouseau on pursuit.
Following the film was the creation of the cartoon series, The Pink Panther Show. This series aired on Saturday mornings and became quite popular. This inspired the publishing of the board game. It brought the fun of the cartoons to the game table.
The board game is for 2-4 players, ages 5 and up. The object of the game is to be the first player to capture all 4 of his panthers, which have been placed on the board, and return back to the Win space.
To begin, each player chooses a hunter. They can either be Inspector Clouseau, the Aardvark and the Ant, Lt. Deux Deux, or Mr. Jaws.
With the roll of dice, the Hunters, and Panthers, move accordingly. A player moves his Hunter the smaller number of the dice and moves one of his 4 Panthers, or one of his opponent’s Panthers, the higher number. They can move in all directions, but not diagonally.
Any time a player rolls a double, a Hazard Card is picked from the deck. There are two instructions on the cards: Capture Pink Panther or Pink Panther Escapes.
Any captured Pink Panthers are placed in the center spot on the board called the Pink Panther Pokey. Players capture Panthers by moving his Hunter onto the same space as a Panther. The Panther is then moved into the Pokey.
Players follow the instructions on the Hazard Cards when picked. If a player has captured all his Panthers, and is attempting to return to the Win space, it may not be over. His opponent may roll a double, pick a Hazard Card of Pink Panther Escapes, and release one of the Panthers before he makes it back!
There are also opportunities to go into a ‘Panther Den’ and tunnel up out of another, or go ‘Streaking’. The game may be of simple play, but fun always can be had when spending time with family and friends playing.

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