The 1996 Ravensburger board game of Treasure Quest is a two player game of strategy. If you can gather more treasure from inside the palace than your opponent, you will win the Quest! Set up is easy, rules are simple, play is fun, and it only takes about 15 minutes to discover who will find the most!
Ravensburger offers quality games, and Treasure Quest is no exception. The ‘board’ rests inside the bottom of the box with the scoring tabs beside it. The sturdy treasure cards are then played in to the central compartments during game play.
There are two types of ‘treasure cards’; Ruby and Gold.  As shown below, the cards have ‘holes’ in them. This is what determines if any ‘gold’ or ‘rubies’ are found by players.

To begin the game, players choose which set of cards they receive (ruby or gold). Each player then places one of their cards in the compartments of the box (opposite each other). No treasures are tallied with the placement of the first card. The second card, and all others, count though!
Players take turns placing one of their cards on top of the played cards in the compartment. The cards alternate- Ruby to Gold, Gold to Ruby.
If a player’s set of cards is Ruby, he is collecting Gold. If a player’s set of cards is Gold, he is collecting Ruby.
Treasure points are given for any Treasures (Gold/Ruby) showing through the ‘holes’ of the cards when placed. This is the ‘treasure’ found. Points are given upon each placement, and the peg on the score strip moves to keep track accordingly.Â
For example, in compartment 1, shown above, the player with the Gold Card, who is collecting Rubies, placed his card on top (of the previous played Ruby card). 7 Rubies show through the ‘holes’, so he scores 7 points!
In compartment 2, shown above, the player with the Ruby Card, who is collecting Gold, placed his card on top of the previous played Gold card. 7 pieces of Gold is showing through the ‘holes’, so he scores 7 points too!
It’s going to be a close game!
Depending on what cards with holes are placed, determines who will ‘find’ the most!Â
Play a game today!